Saturday, April 3, 2010

Ellie's playing soccer ...

jeff signed ellie up for soccer .. this means that she needed soccer cleats ... shin guards .. socks .. a new soccer ball .. and shorts .. so on date night a shoppin they went ..

doesn't she look like a soccer player .. ok except for the fact that her shorts say dance on them ..

let's just say .. the standing on the sidelines watching soccer practice did not last long .. he jumped in every chance he got .. running out onto the field .. showing ellie what to do .. where to run ..

see he is standing in the goal .. they were practicing penalty kicks ..

kick it in ellie .. the games don't start until next saturday .. at the end of the first practice "coach" was telling the parents that his goal is for the kids to have fun and learn some of the fundamentals of soccer .. it didn't matter if they won or lost .. let's just say that we didn't even make it back to the truck before if you play .. you play to win comes out .. i will keep you posted ..

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