Tuesday, October 2, 2012

double digits ladies and gentlemen ..

ellie turns 10 today .. that 's double digits mom she says to me ..
yes dear i know .. now run back into your room and turn back into a 4 year old i tell her ..
mom !!! .. she hollars 

oh alright then .. how about a 5 year old .. i will compromise .. 
that didn't work either .. 

so instead i made her breakfast .. 
sparkle pancakes with fresh home-made whipped cream and strawberries .. 

i told her that since it was her birthday we wouldn't have to spend the morning going over spelling and science vocab .. that she could sit in peace and actually eat her breakfast .. she could chew each bite of her delicious pancake without having to stop halfway and spell tornadoes or give me the definition of pathogen or infectious disease .. 

instead she got to sit in the peace and quiet and have morning conversation with me .. 
then cash woke up and everything changed ..
he has real issue with ellie being older than him .. like he will be magically older than her one day .. 
i told him that if he would eat the crust on his bread that maybe that would happen .. 
how many crusts he asked .. 
all the crust on every sandwich i make you until you turn 10 .. 

never mind he says ..

and to keep me from feeling to blue about double digits i got a little blue from jeff ..

happy birthday ellie ..

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