you can't go to chicago without going to the lincoln park zoo ..
in my opinion .. the lincoln park zoo is the best zoo .. ever ..
the kids and i jumped on the barn yard scale ..
we weigh just a milk bucket more than a goat and her kid ..
gorilla feet and stinky boy hands ..
gorilla feet and pretty girl hands ..
cash is watching this guy and then all of a sudden he hollars ..
oh mom .. he is picking his nose and eating his burgers ..
all the people in the chimp house turn and look my way ..
yes .. that's my son i say ..
like a gorilla would use a kleenex ..
next exhibit i say ..
the polar bears are my favorite ..
this guy was a swimming fool ..
when he swam by the glass you could see his black skin underneath all his white fur ..
ellie asked cash if he knew why the polar bear had black skin ..
cash's response was .. because he doesn't use soap when he takes a bath ?
no cash .. ellie says ..
his black skin absorbs the heat which helps to keep him warm in the tundra ..
what ?? cash says ..
oh cash .. ellie's patience is wanning by the minute ..
yes .. cash .. that is called an adaptation .. the black skin helps the polar survive
the freezing temperatures ..
the tundra is a biome cash .. there are 7 ..
cash then cuts ellie off mid-sentence and says ..
hey dad .. where's the gatorade ..
it would be fair to say that there was imparting of knowledge to cash ..
ellie just rolled her eyes ..
gee .. i wonder why ..
the best part of going to the zoo is that we walk thru the prettiest neighborhood ..
full of old brownstones that have been meticulously maintained and loved ..
i am going to live in this one ..
just in case you want to stop by and visit me on the way to the zoo ..