Tuesday, January 10, 2012

our night at the lazy e

to celebrate the fact that i only had 9 loads of laundry left we went out of town ..
for the record .. it was not my idea to go out of town .. i voted to stay home and rest and do laundry ..
i was out voted ..

so we packed up and headed to okc .. 
to the lazy e arena in guthrie actually .. 

to watch the moto-x race .. 

look .. high flying people on motorcycles .. 

since i had to go i made everyone else go as well .. 
greg and johanna ..

ellie and cache .. we call him cj because it is to confusing .. i hollar cash and they both turn around ..

cash and jeff were analyzing the track .. cash didn't think the jumps were big enough .. 

and because it was opening night of the supercross series .. they raced in anaheim, ca .. in case you were wondering .. jeff and cash were checking on the heat races to see who had finished where .. 

dad .. he needs to move over and pass that guy .. i would move over and pass that guy .. dad why doesn't he move over .. 

he sat like this the whole night .. 

and watched this .. 

the whole night ..
 i wonder if his little arms hurt from resting on the chair ?

greg was telling johanna that he could race .. and not only would he win but he would win with one hand tied behind his back .. and that after he won he would take a big ole victory lap and smile and wave to the crowd .. and then the crowd would all stand up and hollar "greg is the best" and clap and stomp their feet .. and say "we want more" and then he would do all kinds of tricks on his motorcycle and fly thru the air .. 

cj and ellie moved closer to the action .. you could really see them coming over the big jump .. so much so that it looked like a few of the racers might land in their laps .. 

the exhaust was finally getting to cash .. or at least that is what i am blaming it on .. 

uncle greg:  oh cash i can that .. 
cash:  me to but i can do it bigger and better 

thank you tod for the tickets ..
everyone had a great time .. 

as we were driving back to the hotel i thought to myself that i should have made everyone wear dirty clothes .. we all smelled like exhaust so bad no one would have noticed ..

next year .. 

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