after ellie was born suzanne mullen invited me to go to a gymboree class with her and cooper .. it is there that i meet my sweet friend jennifer todd and her to handsome son .. buck .. we became instant and fast friends .. these are the "early years" ..
july 2003
this is ellie's friend .. buck todd .. are they not the cutest babies ever .. they are 9 months old in this picture .. and look at those mamma's .. we are pretty cute to ..
oct 2004
we had taken the kids out to october fest that year .. that is cooper on the left .. ellie and then buck .. ellie was not so sure about all the noise that the fire truck made ..

we had taken the kids out to october fest that year .. that is cooper on the left .. ellie and then buck .. ellie was not so sure about all the noise that the fire truck made ..
we had gone out to aunt mary's place and played played played all day .. they didn't even make it home without completely passing out ..
we took swimming lessons over at the gilliams that summer .. that was the greatest 8 weeks ever .. this is one of my most favorite pics of the two of them ..
buck and jennifer came and helped us make christmas cookies that year .. they cut cookies .. ate dough and then passed out on the couch for a quick nap ..
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